Chester student wins national award for tourism

Chester student wins national award for tourism

08/10/2024 by


Ellie Morris of the University of Chester’s Business School has won the 2024 Undergraduate Student Award from the Tourism Management Institute (TMI) .

The award was given in honour of her work to get Birkenhead Park recognised as a World Heritage Site. Ellie worked with the Birkenhead Park UNESCO World Heritage Project, where she was on a work-based learning placement for four weeks. The panel of judges were impressed by the results she achieved in this short period, with her conducting significant visitor research and enhancing the park’s engagement with social media.

Ellie, who is studying for a BA (Honours) in Business Management and International Tourism Management, said that it was a great honour to be given:

“…such a prestigious award on behalf of Chester Business School. I am honestly thrilled and grateful to have contributed to Birkenhead Park UNESCO World Heritage Project with the support of World Heritage Project Officer at Birkenhead Park, Marie Le Devehat, and the rest of the Birkenhead Park team.”

She added that the award had motivated her to delve further into the tourism sector and expressed her hope that others would be inspired by seeing how experience and hard work can deliver great outcomes for a team.

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