If you’re hoping to start at the University of Chester this year, it may seem a bit daunting. Here’s a quick guide for what to expect.
It may well be your first time away from home, but that’s okay, because the university and Chester itself will become your new home away from home. The university offers a range of accommodation, and you can find good quality off-campus student accommodation in the Garden Quarter and Hoole, which are both popular student areas close to Chester’s city centre.
You’ll also soon meet people and make friends among the inclusive and welcoming community at the University of Chester, both within your study programme and more broadly by engaging in some of the many extracurricular activities on offer. Biology student Maisy writes about this on the university’s website:
“As soon as you set foot on campus you can pick up on the positive energy and smiley faces. I was worried that I would find it tricky to make friends. However, there were so many people to meet that it was never an issue.”
She adds that it’s easier than you may think it will be to find like-minded people and settle in, become part of the community, and make it your new home.
In addition to getting engrossed in your study programme, you’ll also find other opportunities to improve your future employability, such as volunteering, work-based modules, free language learning, and overseas study, so be sure to check these out.
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