If you’re nervous that you may not get the A level results you were hoping for, you may be interested in the tips from a second-year student at Chester who was in the same situation – because it doesn’t have to mean you can’t go to university.
Ahmet said he discovered Clearing after not receiving the grades for his university offers. To get ahead, he recommends browsing courses available through Clearing before results day.
On the day itself, he advocates getting up early to discover your results as quickly as possible, so you can get ahead with the process of Clearing.
After selecting your preferred universities, he says to ring round and inquire about places on your chosen course. He says not to be disappointed if they give you bad news—politely thank them and move on to the next one.
When you get a desirable offer, he recommends you apply as soon as possible, so you can relax:
“This year, you’ll be able to add your Clearing choice on UCAS Hub from 1pm onwards on results day. Once this is done, you can relax and enjoy the rest of the day while your application is being processed.”
Finally, he recommends not being too attached to a particular course, because similar courses can offer a different pathway to the same profession, or just be named slightly differently.
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