The Clearing process has been officially opened at the University of Chester, allowing potential students for the 2024/2025 academic year to talk with university staff.
Clearing is the process by which UK universities and UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) make unfilled places available for students for the upcoming academic year. While it’s traditionally associated with A-level results day in August, Clearing is actually open for more than three months.
It’s also not just for when students don’t achieve the grades needed for their firm and insurance offers. The University of Chester’s director responsible for admissions, Ric Bengree, said about this:
“You can also apply through Clearing if you’re applying after June 30, or if you haven’t accepted any offers yet. People who have been out of education for a while and are ready to begin a new career or just pursue something they’re passionate about can also use Clearing.”
While Clearing is open, the University of Chester will have its phone lines open from 9am to 5.30pm on Monday to Thursday and from 9am to 4.30pm on Friday. The lines will also be open for longer hours and weekends following results day: August 15 (8am–7pm), August 16 (8am–6pm), August 17 (9am–5pm), August 18 (10am–4pm) and August 24 (9am–5pm). Interested applicants will also be available to attend visit days over the summer.
Should you get a place at the University of Chester through Clearing, Bed Student Rentals has a range of quality student accommodation in the Garden Quarter and other popular student areas, so check out our current listings if you’re looking to study in Chester.
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