University of Chester to showcase creative talent

University of Chester to showcase creative talent

06/06/2024 by


Art and design students who will soon be graduating from the University of Chester will have their work exhibited at the end of year show this year, which is to be titled “Individually Together”.

The areas covered by the exhibition include fashion design, product design, fashion communication and marketing, interior design, fine art, photography and graphic design.

Among the exhibits will be fashion design student Enya Anton’s TERRA NOVA brand and its range of designs focussed on storytelling, sustainability and quality. Jessica Burton, who did her degree in Fashion Marketing and Communication, will be showcasing the activewear-streetwear clothing she developed for her final-year project.

The exhibition will take place on the Kingsway Creative Campus, with it being open from 10am to 4pm between Monday, June 10 and Friday, June 21.

Bernadine Murray, the associate professor who heads up the creative industries school at the university, expressed the university’s pride in its:

“…soon-to-be-graduates, and we wish them all the greatest success as they embark on their careers or next stage of study. It is really inspiring to see the work of the next generation of artists and designers, and I hope people visit the show and experience this for themselves.”

With its combination of cultural heritage and a lively scene, Chester offers a great experience for students. If you’re planning on coming to Chester, or are already here but in need of some new digs, you can find quality student accommodation in Hoole and other popular student areas, often with inclusive bills.

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